Treatment & Care Reviews
Treatment & Care Reviews
Treatment & Care Reviews
On admission, Pathways For All People, in conjunction with the resident, produce an initial treatment plan. This identifies the goals and tasks that the resident needs to work towards. These are divided into 2 groups – therapeutic and practical such as meeting with the service users counsellor and starting a housing benefits application.
On a monthly basis, the resident has his or her care plan reviewed by their counsellor in order to ensure that the treatment the service user is receiving is targeted and relevant.
Residents meet with their Key Worker on a weekly basis. The purpose of this meeting is to identify any issues or goals that the resident needs to work on or resolve.
After each group therapy session or workshop, the counsellor who led the group will write a brief report on each of the service users. If there are areas of concern these will be raised with others daily or if the concern is urgent/serious then the matter will be raised with the Pathways For All People Project Manager immediately.
After each one-to-one counselling session, the counsellor produces a brief report of the session which the resident also signs. Again if there are any areas of immediate concern these will be raised with the Pathways For All People Project Manager.
If the resident has been funded by a Care Team the Pathways For All People Project Manager will produce a report for the resident’s care manager, once during primary treatment and once during secondary treatment
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