
Group Therapy


Group Therapy

Group Therapy

Residents are encouraged to share experiences in a safe and caring environment whilst embracing new values. While supporting participants to help feel they are an equal member within the community.

We aim to offer a safe, substance-free environment in which residents can build on personal development by promoting positive self-regard. This is achieved by offering positive outcomes in terms of developing life-skills and insight into all aspects of addiction.

We have found by using therapeutic groups, that we enable the cycle to be broken.

Approach to Group Therapy

An opportunity is offered to look at any situation relevant to residents in a clinical manner and reflect on what influenced the issue and how it might have been better managed. Future, realistic goals are then set based on this experience.

The aims of Pathways For All People’s Group therapy is to:

  • Collaborate, identify and challenge unrealistic beliefs relating to substance misuse and replace these with positive beliefs to strengthen behaviour change.
  • To understand the relationship regarding substance misuse and to look for early warning signs that may be triggers.
  • To provide a systematic method for therapists and participants to address substance misuse in a non-threatening, flexible manner within a group setting

Our structure is based on a humanistic approach, of which the core characteristics of this include:

  • Empathy
  • Genuineness
  • Positive regard

The relationship between residents and Pathways For All People must be based on trust and openness, whilst bearing in mind the need for confidentiality.

The residents draw up the group ground rules with a co-worker present. As our group work is ongoing, with new residents joining periodically, it depends on the dynamics of the group setting as to when we draw up a new mutual agreement.

The aim of our groups is to use various tools such as communication skills and creative therapy as tangible tools, giving residents the freedom to interact with each other. By expressing their personalities in various ways, they begin to feel comfortable.

01202 243738

If you would like our support or feel you could contribute to our work please get in touch.

01202 243738

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If you would like our support or feel you could contribute to our work please get in touch.