Our Values

Pathways For All People conducts all of its activities based on ethical values. We recognise that people of all or no faith can hold values equally. The ethical values we consider to be important are:

Personal Integrity
Honesty, openness, reliability and confidentiality are always actively encouraged and promoted.

The Importance of Every Individual
We offer a non-judgemental holistic approach by working in a non-discriminatory way with all residents ensuring that each service user feels valued and heard.

Cultural Diversity
We live in a diverse society and Pathways For All People aims to reflect this fact by understanding the specific needs of clients gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation and religious beliefs.

Promote ‘community cohesion’ by addressing discrimination, stigma, violence, poverty, and other social inequalities. We actively promote and facilitate an awareness of the individuality of all the people who contribute to the holistic approach that Pathways For All People encapsulates.

To honour and empower the people we serve by creating an environment where people can take control of their own lives, by offering choice wherever possible and appropriate.

Working Together
By being flexible and working together as a team, we recognise that we achieve more for all.

Professional Competence
We achieve this by getting the basics right, ensuring we our correctly qualified and best in practice thereby making us highly regarded in our field.

We achieve this by respecting each individual’s right to privacy through the provision of appropriate accommodation and the implementation of boundaries designed to protect the individual and the group.


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